Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Your Love is a Flower Pot

It has been awhile since I last posted anything. But I had a strong urge to explain how your love is a flower pot.

We are often told that when you plant a seed, you must water it. But no one explains what happens when you plant too many seeds.  You spread yourself thin trying to water them all and provide the right kind of sunlight.

So how is your love a flower pot? First know that I am not talking about the many facets of love (even though I'm sure this could be considered for them). No, I am talking about your relationship love... the kind you put your heart into with one other person.. your partner, companion, lover.

Take the seed, plant it into your flower pot. Then take a different seed and also plant it into your flower pot... then another. And so on. It can get a bit crowded after awhile and even though your same action of water and sun is done regularly, you either end up with a lot of dead flowers or just a couple trying to make it. But who wants a crowded flower pot?

Your love life's success is built on what you are willing to put into it and whether or not you are focusing only on one seed. If you spread your focus thin, then you'll lose the very essence of planting the seed in the first place. Your goal to have a variety in your flower pot cost you a lot of dead flowers, or maybe one half grown weak flower. Your love is the same way.

One more concept to consider:
Once you get a flower to grow.... pulling it out by its roots from the same soil is hard. Some roots are deep and intertwined. You can't change your soil...your flower pot is the same as it will always be... you're the one planting the seeds.

So plant wisely, take care of your flower pot and never underestimate how strong a root is.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Interview with Melissa Andrea

Hey everyone!!! We have another interview to share and I'm so excited to give you guys this one! Melissa Andrea has been a busy bee with her writing and I just love her answers! Here's her interview!! 

Hi Melissa! Wow you have been busy with a lot of book arrangements! I bet you are excited about your signing on February 9th! I really appreciate you joining me on this interview and look forward to sharing it with others on my blog.

1.      So, you have one book out called Flutter and another book coming out called Allure. Please give us a brief summary of them.

Yes I do! With Flutter, I’ve started a creation of a whole new world; it’s unique and not something that has been done before. I do want to warn everyone, Flutter was meant mainly to create a relationship around Sara and Adan (MC). I don’t get into a lot about Sara’s world in book one, but book 2 will have a little more insight and an introduction of some new characters. Oh, and I should also warn you, Adan is very swoony; be prepared to fall head over heels in love with him!

Allure is also something different. I’ve put a new twist on an old myth and I am really excited about this book. It will be New Adult though. Allure is a mixture of a few different things – it’s deadly, seductive, innocent. It’s very different from Flutter, but there will be a few similarities with the MC.

2.      What inspired your characters to mold into who they are? How did you come to create them?

I know it sounds weird, and my family thinks I’m insane, but my characters kind of mold themselves as the story grows. I am completely aware that I’ve created them, but they start to become real to me and they evolve on their own.

3.      On the relationships side of things, what inspired the relationships and how the characters best fit each other?

With Sara and Adan (Flutter) I feel like Sara created Adan the way she needed him to be for her. As her story was being written, I knew exactly how Adan needed to be with her. It was really easy to write their relationship and I loved every scene with them together.

4.      Have you ever started a relationship in the books and then realized they were meant for someone else? Did you erase it all or redirect it?

Not yet, but I’m sure it’s bound to happen. Maybe. I get really attached to my characters and I think they do a good job of telling me what they need, but there is always a first right?

5.      Do you have any other books in the works? If so, care to share anything??

Right now I have, besides Shatter and Allure, I have a NA Contemporary Romance in the works, titled, At The Edge of Darkness. I’m hoping to release that REALLY soon!

Thanks again for your time! Really appreciate your answers!

Thank you SO much for having me!!

Who's excited to read her books?!?? I know I am!

Thanks for joining Kristi's Love Book!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Interview with Niecey Roy- Debut Author!

Hello all! Welcome to Thursday! Today, I am so proud to announce that I am providing an interview with a debut author! Her novel is to be released this month!! *Dances in my seat*

Thank you Niecey for interviewing with me!
1.      You have an exciting event coming up- the release of your book! Please give us a brief summary of it.

Fender Bender Blues is my debut novel, a humorous contemporary romance (I still prefer the wording “romantic comedy” though!). It was such a fun book to write. I got the idea after my own real life fender bender, though the end result wasn’t the same as it was in Fender Bender Blues! I met my prince charming a long, long time ago--in high school, in fact.

2.      Your book is definitely based on relationships, and since authors are relationship creators, please tell what inspired the relationship of your main characters.

Their relationship really evolved on its own. I’m not one of those people who plot everything to a T. But as they evolved, so did their relationship. As true to real life, there is conflict where there is love. I had two really strong characters. Sometimes, though, strength can also be strongly related to stubbornness, and we all know how that can get us into trouble!

3.      What inspired your character personalities and how they interacted with each other to make it the rom-com it is?

Craig is a man who is used to getting what he wants, and always succeeding. Rach is a woman down on her luck and struggling to find her footing in life. It makes for great banter and a lot of annoyance between them at times!

4.      Who did you most connect with in your story? Did any scenes trigger your emotional side more than usual?

I connected with Rach in a lot of ways. What person doesn’t feel lost at one point in their life when it comes to their career path? I know I have! It took me years to find a career I enjoyed doing Monday through Friday, 8 to 5. Though writing has always been my passion, it was unrealistic (and financially impossible) to stay home writing, waiting for me to make a stable income off it with a family to support. So I needed to find a career I loved. Rach is struggling to make a big change in her life career-wise. Big time. Really hit home for me.

5.      I am really excited to see your book come out. Do you have anything else in the works you care to share??

Yes! I’m writing a book right now currently titled Woes of the Fabricated Relationship. This book is about family, about love, and about growing up. My female lead is only 26. Us girls have all been there (or are there right now, or will be there) and falling for a guy who is much older and at a different place in his life...well, makes for great conflict. I can’t wait to have more to share. I’m hoping to have it finished by the middle of next month. With my release for Fender Bender Blues in just a week, I’ve been too busy to spend much time on it this last week. *sigh*

Thank you for having me today, Kristi! I’ve enjoyed this interview!

 I know I'm looking forward to this release! Aren't you???

Thanks everyone for joining us today! Please keep reading! 

Here’s a blurb  and excerpt (provided by Niecey Roy) for Fender Bender Blues.

Her life took a wrong turn. He's driven by success. They didn't count on crashing into love...

Rachel Bennett loved her job until the day she finds herself doubting her choices.  Now she's hunting for a new career, but starting over isn't easy.  Her plan is simple—no distractions until she finds her dream job.  She didn't plan on fate throwing her a curveball in the form of a fender bender with a sexy guy in an expensive suit.

Craig Larsen is a wealthy, successful business owner with a plan of his own: survive his current PR nightmare and stay away from his overly determined ex-girlfriend.  His need for control and personal success is turned upside down when he meets Rach, a sassy redhead who can't drive.

Soon they find themselves battling with Rach's grumpy old neighbor, toilet-papering the trees of a high school nemesis, and fighting over the last slice of pizza.  Can two very different people plus one fender bender equal a chance at forever?


“Now what?”
“Nothing.”Rach sniffed.
Craig shifted to eye her warily. “Since when do you answer me with single words?”
“Since I decided I’m not talking to you,” she answered with a shrug, crumpling up the white paper wrapper from her sub.  
Craig leaned his face in close to her neck and enjoyed the startled jerk of her shoulders. Her eyes opened wide in surprise. His breath shifted a few strands of hair at the nape of her neck as he whispered, “Why, because you want me?”
“You’re incorrigible,” she said, breathless, her cheeks flushed.
She’s enjoying this. The thought pleased him. Rach was on her back beside him now, her eyes closed. He glanced around the park to see if anyone was watching. No one was. He could swoop in for a kiss and no one would catch him. No one would care, he told himself. She won’t mind
“I can feel you staring.”
Craig smiled down at her. “So what.”
She peeked at him with one green eye. “So stop it.”
“And if I don’t?” Maybe she’d tackle him, push him down on the blanket and…
She didn’t. She promptly closed her eye and went back to pretending indifference. “I’ll hit you, that’s what.”
“Not if I do this, you won’t.”
He’d only meant it to be a short kiss, but the pleasure of touching his lips to hers kept him there longer. Her tongue was velvet soft and warm against his and the slow mating of their mouths quickened his heartbeat even as he told himself, It’s no big deal, just a kiss.
She nipped his bottom lip and sent heat sliding through his body. The woman could kiss.
She whispered soft against his lips, “Now why don’t you admit that it’s you who wants me.”
To find out more about Niecey, visit her at and check out her author bio.
To purchase Fender Bender Blues, visit Amazon Kindle. Available May 3 everywhere else.

Niecey Roy
Fender Bender Blues, a romantic comedy
January 2013 exclusive Amazon digital release
Coming May 3, 2013 everywhere
published by Wild Rose Press

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Interview with Heidi McLaughlin

Wow! I get the immense privilege to interview Heidi McLaughlin. She is paving the way of New Adult. I just recently finished her book "Forever My Girl" and fell in love with it. It was definitely a great story of growth, change and forever love. 

 Hello Heidi! Thank you so much for taking the time to interview with me today! I am a strong believer that many female readers often love books because they can become emotionally connected with the characters and the situations. Often times, it’s the relationships that do this. Since my blog is very relationship based, I wanted to pick a few author brains (and so thankful you have joined me) regarding the relationships in their book(s). After all- authors create relationships every day!

Thank you for having me, Kristi!

1.      I have just recently finished the book Forever My Girl. It was very close to home on many areas. Would you mind giving a brief summary of it for the readers?

Forever My Girl is a boy who shared a dream with his girl, until he didn’t. Ten years passes and he comes home to face the consequences of his decisions at the age of 18.

2.      What inspired your main characters and their relationships (especially Liam and Josie)?

Love mostly. I had these two characters and I knew the end result. I just had to make everything else fall into place. I asked myself – if I was to go back to 18, what would I want ten years later. Would I still be with the guy I dated in high school? Would you?

3.      When it comes to the relationship building, how did you get in touch with the mind of a man? Your book felt so real to me in areas with how Liam got angry or how he thought of women.

My best friend is a musician so a lot of actions and thoughts are straight from a source. He is often disgusted with how women act at shows. The stories are plenty. I had a reviewer tell me that I was disgracing women with the way Liam was acting – the only problem with that is that those are firsthand accounts of actions I’ve witnessed in green rooms.

I’d give my friend a scenario and he’d give me a reaction and I’d go from there.

4.      Did you ever become emotionally connected to your own writing as your wrote? Did you ever have to stop yourself in scenes because you were TOO emotionally invested?

Every time I write something about Mason. I lost my brother in 2011, so writing about someone passing, especially unexpectedly, where you only have moments to say goodbye is very hard. Many times I had to walk away or come back and finish a flashback or a scene where he’s involved.  Mason is a character I love and hate that the readers don’t know him. I’m hoping that someday I can change that because he’s a very honorable man.

5.      As a creator of relationships, how did you come to understand body language and thoughts well enough to feel confident in the way you wrote your characters? For example, many people go to a park and just watch people for a couple hours.

I people watch all the time. I watch how they interact. Where do they put their hands? What facial expressions are they using? I stare a lot (creepy I know) at my daughter and her boyfriend. He fidgets all the time, especially when he’s on the spot, but the way he looks at her, shows how much he cares about her.

I also act it out. I’ll stand in the doorway and position myself the way I think the character should be and write it down until it’s right.

6.      I noticed you have a book two coming in the Beaumont series. Would you like to share a little about it? I know I’m looking forward to it.

The second book centers on Harrison and Katelyn. I know a few readers are concerned that it’s too soon for Katelyn, but it’s a year out and she’s only 28, far too young to give up on love. The readers will learn about Harrison’s past and they’ll learn a lot about Mason.

The third book… I’ll just say you’ve met the characters in Forever My Girl and no it’s not Liam and Josie. J

Thanks again Heidi! I really appreciate your time!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Interview with Christine Hughes

I am so happy to announce that I have started interviewing authors in order to give a different perspective from writers (creators of epic love stories). 

To start off with the epicness- I get the privilege of interviewing Christine Hughes! She is the author of Torn and Three Days of Rain. I look forward to her future works as well!

Hi Christine Hughes! Thank you for joining me on my blog and taking the time to do an interview. So far it looks like you have published two books but are in the process of more. So exciting! Will you give us a brief explanation of the romantic endeavors your characters take on (without giving too much away, of course)?

Torn is a YA paranormal so I felt like I needed to approach the budding romance differently than I would an adult novel. Teens are still finding themselves and throwing a strong emotion like love into the mix makes for a bit of confusion. The relationship between the two main characters is a bit tumultuous and I mixed in a little of the “star-crossed lovers” vibe into it.

With Three Days of Rain, I was able to be a little more grown-up with the theme of love. First, we have the back story of Jake and Madison. A very raw, primal, all-consuming love that two people in their early twenties might encounter. Unfortunately, neither Jake nor Madison are good for each other. Everyone else can see it but it takes awhile for the two of them to come to terms with it. 
In the novel, there is also familial love – the different kind of nurturing love you find within the confines of your own family. Between Jake and his brother, Jake and his father, Jake and the love he has for his now deceased mother, Danny’s love of his wife and kids… I tried to show a strong bond between them.
Jake meets Lily and she shows him how to love without condition, without reservation. Really, without fear. And it is because of that love that he can finally heal and begin to love himself again.

How did you come to build the love lives of your characters and how do you relate to these characters?

With TORN, the love story kind of just happened. It wasn’t planned or outlined. It felt right. In Three Days of Rain, I new there would be a triangle. I just wasn’t sure where it was going to lead me. The ending I had in mind is very different from the ending of the book.
Do I relate to any of my characters? I guess there is probably a small piece of me in each one but no, I don’t really relate to them in any significant way.

I noticed that both of your novels are very different in storyline and love life- including their development of building relationships. Which one did you have more fun, struggle, or “fit just right” with?
Writing TORN was fun because it was my first novel. And I like to remember what love felt like when I was a teenager. It was all consuming, crazy, passionate and new. Three Days of Rain, however, had me knotted up the entire time I wrote it. I’d never experienced what those characters were experiencing. I was just trying to write the best possible struggle I could find.
I guess to answer your question, the romantic storyline in TORN was more fun. Three Days of Rain was just draining.

I notice that as a writer/reader, I tend to get swept away with stories that have a strong love interest because I just love... love. Have you ever had to stop yourself when writing because you were “swept away?”

I don’t’ really read “romance” novels. My mom does, my sister, grandma, friends – they all get a kick out of love stories. I’ve always been drawn to the struggle. Stories of pain and redemption with a little romance sprinkled in. Maybe I’m damaged from when I was a kid and opened one of my mom’s Harelquins and read about throbbing members. I don’t know.  Look at it like this, my favorite, favorite, favorite Shakespeare play is the story of Romeo and Juliet. It’s the saddest story. Sure there’s romance and first love but the root of the whole thing is tragedy. Maybe I like to be sad.
The only true and honest feeling of being swept away and in another world is when I read the Harry Potter books. I read constantly. Anything and everything. But I usually read and move on. I had a hard time moving on from the Potter series.

Last question- What’s your favorite novel (that you’ve read) that has a great love interest and why do you love it?
Ahhh, man. I don’t know. Great love interest? Maybe A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway. But then again. His true love dies at the end. What does that tell you about me? Wait. Don’t tell me.

Thank you so much for your time and being a part of it! Being an author takes amazing creativity of the mind. In each book written, you are a creator of life and relationships. Since this blog is about relationships and love, I felt it was suiting to indulge a little with this topic.

Since this is my first interview, I would be happy to hear feedback from you on the questions and the structure. Haha. I’ve never seen the inner workings of an interview.

The interview was great! I hope I answered well enough. I’m not cynical, I just don’t get gooey over love and romance and all that.

I really appreciate Christine joining me on my blog and making a humorous  yet informational, debut of my interviewing! I have really enjoyed this and look forward to presenting you with a few more blog posts in the next few days! 

Have a great day!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Sword in the Stone

Okay. I've felt like lately my words have been yelling at me from the inside. While normally I would wish it were words toward my novel (I am currently in the process of writing a trilogy), lately what I've been saying has been receiving many compliments.
So, in lieu of this insight as of late... This post will be a self-structured one. I decided to go off the relationship with others topic and work on relationship with self.

I hope that most of you reading this blog know the movie (the one the title is named after). There are plenty of versions of King Arthur, but this one is one of my favorites.

Something sparked my mind today on the fact that we all have come to our own unique "hard place." Some of you are still in it. We are all placed in a troubled present so that one day our future may grow from it. Some of you have already found your progressive future. There are so many though, who do not get a better future because they are often repeating their non-progressive behaviors. But there are a few... just a few, who are lucky enough to meet their "sword in the stone."

What is it that led them there?

Well, what led Arthur to it?

A cooky ol' wizard you say?

Well, what if I told you that every single person is an "Arthur in the making?"

During the movie, Merlin told "Wart" that he was meant for great things. Wart kept arguing with Merlin. "I'm not..." was often used in his sentences. He followed Merlin but even after he was crowned a king, he was afraid of what that kind of responsibility would bring him. Wart was truly afraid of his destiny.

Often times, LIFE (AKA Merlin) will bring us to our destiny and we are too afraid to pull it out of the stone because of our fear of the responsibility. We tell ourselves, "I'm not..." to argue our way out of it. Instead of "fight" we turn into "flight" mode.

The few who meet their sword are the ones who are ready to pull it out of the stone. In reality, we are all given a destiny... but we must be willing to accept and assert ourselves into it before we can ever benefit from it.

Free yourselves from the fear of the responsibility and gain a strength in knowing that your sword is awaiting you.

I hope you liked my tid bit for the day!

Have a good night!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Did You Pick a "Jacob?"

Alright everyone,
It's been awhile since I've done a post but I have found that a lot of people lately are dealing with a very similar situation. Each are obviously different scenarios but each have their main issue- They think they have picked their Jacob instead of their Edward.
Now, if you are a Twilight fan then you know what I'm already referring to. If not, here's the short version:

Jacob: All around nice guy. Protective. She doesn't have to change for him. Challenges her to be the stronger version of herself. Allows her to be herself, as is. The "Safe" bet. The guy who only triggers her flutter button (you know, that butterfly effect in your stomach... stay PG folks!) during times when she NEEDS him. He often turns into a best friend status quickly and usually never leaves it.

Edward: Dangerous. Possessive. Passionate. Not really all that healthy for her but in the strangest of ways... they are perfect compliments of each other. He drives her to grow and become the person who she's meant to be. He will test her because he's not all that emotionally stable at the beginning. In reality, she is the stronger half  (emotionally and mentally). He tries to tell her what to do more than once and she will fight him on it every step of the way. He doesn't abuse her verbally or physically but he has a tendency to make her cry a couple times. They often become addicted to each other and usually feel that without the other, they will not survive.

In The End: 
(Spoilers maybe?) She ends up choosing Edward. Is this the right choice? Maybe for the book... But in reality... In the grand scheme of how men actually work... is Edward the right choice?

The Point:
The point to this post is that a few women I know are stuck with a Jacob and they can't seem to take their minds off a potential Edward. I say potential because in reality, women just want to be swept up off their feet. They want to feel the the flutter... Jacob, who remains the friend... just doesn't seem to trigger that flutter nearly as much as time goes. And for many women who haven't found their "Edward" yet, they come across a few potentials who put them through the ringer. They indulge in the need and the weakness and the vulnerability. They get stuck in the "not being emotionally stable" part and often times that potential never leaves that state.. So, the girl is stuck with a broken heart, a lost Jacob and a need again for the flutter.

What To Do:
If you think your man isn't triggering the flutter... you either need to help him along by triggering his or telling him some of the things you like. Help him get to know you again. If he doesn't want to try and he really is pushing you away... there are only three possible reasons why.

1. He gave up a long time ago trying to be your Edward because he happens to be a lot smarter than you took him for and realized you wanted more and he wasn't cutting it. "So why bother?" comes to his mind.

2. He is completely blind to everything and is resentful himself. So you both are in the same boat...wishing the other would fulfill the flutter. Or...

3. He isn't in love with you. And maybe it's time to come to terms that you aren't in love with him. Do not invest in a man who wants to give you his all if you are going to be looking for "all" in someone else one day.

Love is selfless... it's accepting everything about that person on the off days. It's allowing them to be themselves and appreciating them for it. It's being unconditional. It's being willing to compromise on things that you can't always control....

No matter what type of love you are looking for, just know that your heart is precious. Passion isn't always forever like a book. It's nice to think about and it's certainly nice to runaway in but not every day you are going to be smiles and giggles. Not every day are you going to be the best of friends either. The ultimate choice is being with someone who fits you perfectly (it doesn't matter if he is a Jacob, an Edward, or  a Bob for that matter). Just remember, if you are always looking for a flaw... you will always find one.

You never know.. your man could be the perfect combo of the two and you just needed to let your all be his. :)